Wicked Frights Of New England Nights
There’s much that can be said about New England. Those who have never been or learned much about it may have learned some of the basics. They may know from the movies or friends, that in New England, the letter R is for the most part, non existent. However, Dunkin Donuts very much is. They know the sports teams are tough to beat, and of course, the seafood is the best to eat. Amazingly though, how little do they know of the wicked frights of New England nights.
I do. I was born and raised in Massachusetts and raised my own children there as well. Just three short years ago, we decided to move to the sunshine state. I adore living in North Florida and I fully intend to stay here, however you never let go of your love and loyalty to home. There will always be things to miss.
In Florida, I’m happy in any season other than the humid hot summer. At a comfortable 75 degrees, it is when I appreciate Florida the most. Before the big move, winter for me was doom and gloom. There was a depression in being stuck in the house as my tolerance for cold dwindled through the years just about down to…..none.
My favorite season? It was always Fall and I miss the Fall most in Massachusetts. I admit, I haven’t lived in many places to make a fair comparison, but I truly believe no place is more beautiful in the Fall. The leaves turning gorgeous colors, the crisp air, pumpkins, hayrides, and so on. Also, no place celebrates Halloween better than New England.
Why is that? Why does New England embrace Halloween better than most? Is it its haunted history? Do we tend to have more paranormal activity or do we just have a warped and wicked sense of humor for all that is gruesome? I think it’s a combination of all!
Let’s use Salem, Massachusetts for example. The History. The Halloween capital of New England. A horrific history where those accused of witchcraft, were tortured or hanged. Today, we not only still pay our respects, but Salem has become one of the top places to visit in October. If you’d like to see why and how, click here. It’s no surprise why still today, there’s many claims of paranormal activity. It is one of the most common places for paranormal investigators.
I myself for a brief period of time, was a paranormal investigator. This of course happened in Massachusetts when odd occurrences began for me and some loved ones. For me, it was auditory. For others, both… visual and auditory. In my experience, I was given hard to deny evidence.
Due to privacy concerns, I won’t go too much into detail. I can however testify that I have heard the growls and moans. I heard a door just a few feet away open….but upon checking, it was closed tightly. To my shock, I witnessed someone scream so suddenly in tears of terror. The claim was that an angry man appeared inches from her asking “Where are you?
These investigations all occurred within the Bridgewater Triangle. One of the world’s most concentrated areas of diverse paranormal reports. I have come to realize that when it comes to paranormal activity, I am what you call a sensitive. I have a gift to a small degree.
For some people, they may never experience anything of the sort, however, we all know of the ones that do. The ones with a far greater gift than I have…. such as the Mediums, the Psychics, and so on.
I have none of those abilities. Matter of fact, since moving out of Massachusetts, my auditory experiences have come to a stop. I do however, still receive subtle signs from the other side, and I have the amazing ability to predict things to a small degree. More like a “gut feeling” than a clear picture.
Would I like to tap into and learn to expand my gift? If possible, yes. If it means it will help people. For a brief period of time before the big move South, a favorite metaphysical store of mine in which to not only purchase products but attend workshops was in Bridgewater, MA. Up North, you’ll find many shops of the kind.
Living now in North Florida, I have not yet found any stores that are less than a 30 minute drive. Time and gas? I’d rather not spend. With that said, it was just one reason for me to open my own. An online store sandrassoulserenity.com
Today, in our busy days, many prefer to online shop. To come home after a long day at work, cook dinner, shower, and get the kids ready for bed, there’s not much time left for much else. Shopping from the comfort of home, in your pj’s sipping on a glass of wine is often the best way to go.
I know that when I feel as if there’s been negativity around me, bad luck, or just wanting to cleanse my space I search among the store, usually for some Sage. I also believe in carrying stones with me in my purse or my car.
All in all, I do believe in the after life. I also believe that spirits at times are unsettled, they have unfinished business, and some are just loved ones trying to come through. This of course exists everywhere.
Perhaps it’s just a matter of history being acknowledged, accepted, and for some, like us New Englanders…. we add humor and twisted gruesome celebrations. Masquerade balls, Halloween tricks just as much as treats, and home decorations that are usually anything that the sick mind can imagine, anything at all…but modest.
We have fun. We embrace history and run with it. New England isn’t all about Lobstah and Dunkins. Besides baring the frigid cold and trekking through mounds of snow, there is no fear.
Frankly, we tend to sleep quite tight through the frights of the night.
This article is dedicated to a dear friend Jane Bearse Brown
Like me, she loved Halloween. I remember chatting with her about the old classics and our love for Vincent Price.
We had talked about all of us visiting Salem together. Not sure why that never happened. I guess the “to do’s” of life just get in the way. We forget to follow through. I firmly believe she’ll send me a few signs and/or pranks this Halloween. Have mercy Janie, have mercy! xo